Webinar: Bringing Circularity into Construction Industry

Bringing Circularity into Construction Industry

Half of the Earth’s raw materials are used for construction and demolition & construction waste accounts for about a third of all waste generated. Buildings are also a major source of energy consumption as 40% of energy is consumed in buildings.

This makes it obvious that there is large potential for circularity in all phases in the life cycle of buildings. Existing buildings and infrastructure also form an important materials bank.

To transform the construction industry, new innovations are needed. We have chosen 5 Nordic circular startups to demonstrate to you what kind of concrete solutions exists for the different parts of the building’s life cycle; design, production of building materials, building, use and repair and demolition.

Our expert panelists Ismo Tiittanen, YIT Vice President, Strategy and executive support and Amanda Borneke, entrepreneur and advocate for sustainable construction practices in Sweden, will be adding their input to these startups. 

9th December 2020
9:00 to 10:00 CET
5 Nordic Startups presenting in front of an expert panel 

Join us to see the inspiring Nordic circular startups transforming the construction business!


Check out other events & case stories

LOOP LAB: Building Circularity into e-commerce

Let’s build circularity into the e-commerce boom!

E-commerce is growing at a staggering rate and revenues are expected to double during the next 
10 years. Now is the time to bring circular economy into the e-commerce ecosystem.

Circular economy requires system changes, new ideas and new partnerships. In collaboration with actors that have the power to impact the transformation, we want to explore how this can enhance your business and we will support you to go from vision to concrete action. Join us in a Nordic LOOP Lab 
split into two creative sessions 
focusing on action!


Two (free of charge) digital workshops based on design thinking methodology. Our team will facilitate and the session does not require any preparations from you. We only expect you to bring and share your own insights and experiences.


You are a Nordic professional excited to explore business with circular solutions. Maybe you are responsible for digital or business development, marketing, or sustainability and working within logistics, packaging, e-commerce players, marketplaces.

We are LOOP, a network of Nordic experts in business development, service and digital design, venture building, and circular design. LOOP was founded by Avanto Ventures, Sitra, and Nordic Innovation and is a cooperation between Antrop (SE), Avanto (FI), Agens (NO), Startup Norway (NO), and ArtRebels (DK)


1st December 2020, 9:00 to 12:00 CET


8th December 2020, 9:00 to 10:30 CET


For you to get inspired to take action and start collaborating with the necessary actors to go from strategy to action with circular solutions.

Maria Klint

Service Designer at Antrop maria.klint@antrop.se

Peter Lizamore

Head of Ventures at Agens peter.lizamore@agens.no

Linda Glad

Sustainability Designer at Antrop linda.glad@antrop.se

Check out other events & case stories

LOOP webinar: Designing circular solution to avoid food waste under covid-19 crisis

Designing circular solution to avoid food waste under covid-19 crisis - Case The Restaurant Lab, Martin & Servera & TotalCtrl

Today’s exceptional times are raising the circular economy’s relevance. This event is a part of a webinar series about sharing learnings on how to move into circularity in practice. Previous webinars have presented cases from Volvo, Fiskars, Bergans & Spinnova, Omocom and Looping.

We promise a hands-on approach with many concrete learnings. Short and snappy, about 45 minutes per webinar.

LOOP Webinar 11th June: Designing circular solution to avoid food waste under covid-19 crisis

Keynote case: Call-for-Action by The Restaurant Lab, Martin & Servere & TotalCtrl

How can circular principles be applied rapidly in times of crisis? Covid-19 has disrupted many industries and changed customer behavior overnight. To look at the bright side, it has also speeded up the way new solutions enter the market and allowed new partnerships to be born.

This spring’s final LOOP Webinar on 11th June will present the story of how The Restaurant Lab in Stockholm teamed up with the Swedish leading restaurant supplier Martin & Servera. And the Norwegian start-up TotalCtrl will explain how they use technology to reduce food waste.

In mid March, The Restaurant Lab initiated a circular solution to avoid food waste. Their Call-for-Action has reallocated food surpluses by delivering thousands of free sustainable and nutritious meals to staff and healthcare workers, risk groups and school children sparking a wave of similar initiatives across the country. This proves that circular design thinking and Agenda 2030 mindset can be a toolkit for solutions and disruption in stressful times. The Restaurant Lab founder Anders Breitholtz, (also Material Designer & Circular Economy Strategist) and Kristina Ossmark, Marketing Manager at Martin & Servera will tell the story about their collaboration.

TotalCtrl is a start-up aiming to provide technology that eliminates food waste throughout the value chain to save money, resources, people and the planet. Founder and CEO Charlotte Aschim will tell us how their software can help restaurants digitize and get control over their food inventory based on expirations date.


Sign up for LOOP ecosystem platform to see the webinar recording

Check out other case stories